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Council on Aging Minutes 11/07/2007

Minutes of meeting held On November 7, 2007

Meeting opened at 10:15 a.m.

PRESENT: COA members: Frank Antonovitch, Lowell Nixon, Olive Nixon, John Reed, Susan Sanders, Sara Meier and Brad Noble. Others: Senior Center Director: Margaret Crock and Outreach worker: Deb Tierney, Maintenance Manager: Paul Gillis.
ABSENT:   Harold Hewinson and Don Sanders.
Minutes of October 3, 2007 accepted.

 AVADA Hearing workshop will be held on November 8th from 1 – 3 p.m. at the Senior Center. On October 15th, Pastor Bruce Plumley spoke on Final Arrangements and Grief Counsel. On October 22nd Dr. Litscher’s Eye Center presented a program on eye surgery and care. A dozen applicants have applied for fuel assistance.
Senior Aid Program for Holland has been agreed to with EOEA in Springfield where we will share a person with the School. Contract to be signed by the Selectmen. Motion made and approved by the COA to the arrangements made with the school. Motion approved to spend up to $60.00 for supplies. In October, 24 unduplicated clients were served and 133 service units were provided.

Requested use of the Senior Center for a Children’s Christmas Party on Saturday, December 22 from noon to 3:00p.m. There are no age brackets for this party. Motion made, seconded and approved for this activity. The Chicken barbeque was not a success and a different approach may be taken next year.

In October, 1,037 contacts made, 155 seniors served, 402 attended Senior Center, 103 attended congregate meals and the balance includes cards & games (84), exercise (44), senior tax work off program (28),Flu shots (79), One pot meals (32), No sew blankets (21), Computer class & newsletter (18), Memorial for Jesse Goldbaum (90), Speakers (39), other activities make up the difference. Reimbursement of purchase of stamps and yarn $40.73 approved for payment.  

FINANCIAL: Brad Noble, Treasurer  
 Receipts in October were: GSSSI $583.37. Expenditures in October were: telephone $55.94, M Crock salary $611.00, Deb Tierney wages $592.20, Electric $176.79, Trash pickup $27.03, Lawn care $52.50, Conference $175.00, Computer virus systems $79.80, Supplies $74.36, Postage $98.40 and Security $75.00.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Margaret Crock, Deb Tierney & Olive Nixon
Corinne Lavallee and her volunteers are still working on “no-sew blankets” for service men. An exercise class is held every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. A simple meal is available on Thursday’s from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45p.m. Cribbage is held each Thursday at 1:00 p.m.  On November 15th our intergenerational lunch with the 2nd graders will be held at the school. We also distribute hats and mittens at the lunch. On November 19th Joan Dusoe, R.N. will speak on Avoiding Respiratory Infections at 12 noon. Computer classes for seniors are held Wednesdays at 1 p.m. All computers are operational and may be used by seniors anytime the center is open. On December 17th at noon a SHINE representative will update us on 2008 Medicare and Part D changes.

SENIOR TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM: Margaret Crock and Harold Hewinson.
Year to date, $1,918.13 has been charged to the Senior Center, $187.50 to the School and $105.00 to the Assessors office.

A flood light has been installed to illuminate the Flag that will be flown at all times. A quotation from Richard Lucier to install a new 1500 watt dimmer and two G.F.I. protected receptacles in the kitchen area in the amount of $300.00 was presented. Motion made, seconded and approved to hire Mr. Lucier. Motion made, seconded and approved to spend up to $40.00 for supplies. When Mr. Paul Bracciotti, PVPC, returns, Paul will discuss the purchase of the correct Fire Extinguisher for the kitchen.
All of the above reports were accepted by the Council on Aging.

Pool Table: After considerable discussion it was determined that we are not prepared to deal with a pool table. Brad to write a memo to Fire Chief Paul Foster indicating our position and to thank him for the Fire Department’s offer. As requested, Jack Reed spoke with Linda Blodgett regarding minor expenditures made by Margaret Crock. Linda indicated that a petty cash account is permitted and a request from the COA is needed. Motion made, seconded and approved to establish a petty cash fund in the amount of $100.00.  All petty cash expenditures must by approved by the council before or after the expenditure. Brad will follow up with Linda on this and other items when she returns to work. Brad spoke with Brian Johnson regarding paving the parking lot at the center and the answer was no.


 CORRESPONDENCE – Distributed as received.

Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.

Submitted by:  Brad Noble, Secretary
Meeting on December 5, 2007                                                                                             
Call to Order at 10:15 a.m.
Approval of minutes of November 7, 2007
Outreach, Friends of Holland Seniors, Senior Ctr. Director, Finance, Program,
Senior Tax Abatement, Maintenance Report, Kitchen Report,
Old Business, New Business, Correspondence